Taxation and property: an alternative to the brave new world
Taxation, social patrimony, post-tax private property.Abstract
This paper presents an alternative to the question: is taxation legitimate? From the context of the social fiscal State where capitalist law guarantees the right to property, which is legally recognized and protected, this study proposes that tax payment should correspond to a portion of the total patrimony in which the individual is a mere depositary. An individual’s private assets would, thus, be the post-tax portion of their income and assets. From this perspective, taxation is legitimate because private property would only be post-tax property. Strikingly, this conception is opposed to the idea that tax payments derive from a duty of solidarity or a causal retribution to which the individual submits himself in order live in society. This research hopes to shed new light on the legitimacy of taxation or, at least, serve as a starting point for the formation of a brave new world in which state and freedom live in harmony.Downloads
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