Preliminary concession of relief based on prima face evidence within a writ of mandamus on tax matters
Relief of Evidence. Preliminary Injunction, Writ of Mandamus. Tax Credits.Abstract
The Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure, approved by Federal Law 13.105 of 2015, brings a new horizon in the way of contemplating the judicial process, introducing significant changes in what concerns the procedural system. Among them, the anticipatory form of the effects of a final decision through the relief granted on the basis of prima facie evidence, in the form of article 311, item II, of the Code of Civil Procedure. And said relief can be provided in an even more innovative style, through the possibility of a preliminary injunction. In that context, it is relevant to know the viability of this relief in a writ of mandamus to suspend the collection of taxes. This is one of the most interesting implications of procedural legislation in relation to tax law, because it is recurrent to use the writ of mandamus in this matter, as well as, under the terms of item IV of article 151 of the Brazilian National Tax Code, injunction security is a cause of suspension of enforceability, a potential that would extend to the relief granted on the basis of prima facie evidence. In order to do so, it is necessary to proceed through the examination of the relief of evidence, the preliminary injunction, the protection of evidence by preliminary injunction so that, in the end, the analysis will evaluate the possibility of using the relief of evidence through a preliminary injunction within a writ of mandamus for the suspension of tax credit.Downloads
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