Analysis of municipal legislative competences in relation to the management of the government administration
Competências Legislativas Municipais, Gerencialismo, Administração Pública.Abstract
The objective of this paper is to analyze the competencies of the public administration in relation to municipal legislative powers. For this reason, this study demonstrates that the better management of public bodies renders greater benefits to citizens. However, in order to guarantee effective access to public services, this research shows that the government should act beyond redefining municipal activities, as they also require, for example, a better transfer of funds in order to guarantee more services that fulfill their constitutional competencies. This paper concludes that municipalities, in guiding their actions with the perspective of the effective management of the public administration, has the possibility of increasing the usefulness and effectiveness of public services, which upholds their fundamental objective: guarantying local interest and needs. By establishing goals, the municipality creates a balance between constitutional delimitations and local interest. Moreover, the municipal administrator achieves a functioning system that improves with the passage of time, as it mainly grants citizens a list of benefits to which they are entitled. However, this paper fundamentally concludes that in order to guarantee public municipality programs, it is also necessary to increase the transfer of funds so that they are able to be more effective in their public policies that mirror the interests of society.Downloads
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