Justice as fairness and equal capabilities : a fundamental rights protection system


  • Gabriel Moraes de Outeiro Federal University of South and Southeast of Pará
  • Maria Cristina Cesar de Oliveira Federal University of Pará
  • Durbens Martins do Nascimento Federal University of Pará




Constitutional right, Political philosophy


The Federal Constitution provides a list of rights and guarantees , with the aim of building a just and egalitarian society. Is persisting debate about the level of protection of these rights . The article discusses the fundamental rights from the perspective of the theory of justice of John Rawls , complemented by equal Amartya Sen. capabilities The goal is to demonstrate that justice as Rawlsian equity, with the informational basis of the capabilities approach , contributes to the discussion the present principles that guide state action to ensure that everyone can have guaranteed their fundamental rights. It was used a theoretical approach and , as a methodological procedure , bibliographical , documentary and descriptive . In front of the table , it appears that the Rawlsian justice promotes the implementation of fundamental rights within limits .


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Moraes de Outeiro, Federal University of South and Southeast of Pará

PhD in Social and Environmental Development ( NAEA / UFPA ) . Master of Law ( PPGD / UFPA ) . Specialist in Tax Law ( Anhanguera - Uniderp ) . Assistant professor at the Federal University of South and Southeast of Pará . Lawyer

Maria Cristina Cesar de Oliveira, Federal University of Pará

Doctor of Laws (UFPA ) . Master of Laws ( UFPA ) . Associate Professor at the Federal University of Pará. Counsel

Durbens Martins do Nascimento, Federal University of Pará

Doctor of Social and Environmental Development ( NAEA / UFPA ) . Master in Development Planning ( NAEA / UFPA ) . Professor and researcher at the Graduate Program in Humid Tropics of Sustainable Development of the Federal University of Pará. Political Scientist .



How to Cite

de Outeiro, G. M., Oliveira, M. C. C. de, & Nascimento, D. M. do. (2016). Justice as fairness and equal capabilities : a fundamental rights protection system. Revista Do Direito Público, 11(2), 47–81. https://doi.org/10.5433/1980-511X.2016v11n2p47


