Democracy and the litigation of politics - problemizing the judicial decisions of social rights


  • Fernando de Brito Alves Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP
  • Edinilson Donisete Machado Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos - SP



Judicial Decisions, Social Rights, Public Policy, Material Equality.


The judicial decisions of hard cases have different focuses for their resolution in the Positivism or in the Post-positivism. In both cases there has been a great difficulty for the delimitation of the judicial discretion, because, in synthesis, this would be the limitation of the judicial subjectivity. In the Kelsen´s doctrine, in which the positivist though is better expressed, the juridical order is complete and, for this reason, we can not speak in gaps, once the judge will look for and find in the system the answer to decide a concrete case. For Bobbio, the legislation has unit and coherence and he has not accepted gaps in the legislation. Thus, he has promoted the structuring of conflict’s methods of resolution inside of the legislation, which are: “1) the judge has to judge all controversies that has been presented for his exam; 2) he has to judge them based on a rule of the system”, once both doctrines have come from the Legislated Right, separating, consequently, the Right of any moral inserts of the ruled norm. In the Post-Positivism doctrine, which has been introduced for us by Paulo Bonavides, we will find a wide emphasis for the resolution of the conflicts, in which principles are considered norms. According to Ronald Dworkin, this transformation has won force and has been consolidated from the second half of the last century to nowadays as a return of the philosophy and policy discussions for the resolution of the conflicts, because there has been a minor judicial discretion when spaces are opened for the decision of principled subjects that start to be norms and have cogent appliance. Thus, we could understand that fundamental policy decisions in the choices of public policies have been replaced by judicial decisions based on the principled foundations contained in the Constitution. This paper intends to promote the approximation of the hole of the jurisdiction function and the judicial decision in the democratic context, as well as make an analysis of the system, as a manner of contenting the discretion. It will also verify the function of the equality principle and the hole of the Judiciary in the judicial decision in hard cases of public policies.

Author Biographies

Fernando de Brito Alves, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP

Lawyer. Postdoctoral degree from the University of Coimbra. Doctor in Law by the Toledo Teaching Institution - ITE / Bauru-SP. Master in Legal Science from the State University of Northern Paraná - UENP. He holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of the Sacred Heart and a law degree from the State School of Law of the Northern Pioneer of the State University of Northern Paraná. He is a specialist in "History and history: society and culture" by the State Faculty of Philosophy , Sciences and Letters of the same University. He is currently Legal Adviser at UENP, member of the Editorial Board of the Argumenta Review (1676-2800) of the Master's Program in Juridical Science at UENP, and adjunct professor at UENP, where he coordinates the Master's and Doctoral Program in Legal Science.

Edinilson Donisete Machado, Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos - SP

He holds a law degree from the Fundação de Ensino Euripides Soares da Rocha (1987), a Master's degree in Law from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2000) and a Doctorate in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2006). He is currently a full professor at the Euripides University Center in Marília-UNIVEM and at the State University of Paraná in the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. At UNIVEM, he is Coordinator of the degree course in Law and Coordinator of Lato Sensu Programs in Law. He was a Sectional Prosecutor of the Union in Marília and Director of the Faculty of Law of the Euripides Soares da Rocha Teaching Foundation.



How to Cite

Alves, F. de B., & Machado, E. D. (2016). Democracy and the litigation of politics - problemizing the judicial decisions of social rights. Revista Do Direito Público, 11(3), 13–46.


