Confidential telephone in constitutions of brazil and portugal: analysis of measure in law of treatment and jurisprudential and protection limit between poor and efficient


  • Diego Prezzi Santos FADISP, UEL, ICES, FAAT
  • Antonio José Mattos do Amaral UEL, ICES, FADISP, CESUMAR



Intimacy, Fundamental Rights, Telephone Confidentiality, Comparative Law, Law Portuguese.


The present study aims to analyze the requirements of the wiretapping Brazil and Portugal, basing the analysis on constitutional norms and standards infra. The analysis involves the understanding of rights linked to personal intimacy and privacy and the possibility that it has investigated the target of disclosure of telephone records through telephone interception, having secured the material access to justice, and, therefore, these respected rights. Checked out the concept of access to fair legal system (material) and also the formal access to make possible the understanding and presentation of the results obtained from the Brazilian courts and the Portuguese courts.

Author Biographies

Diego Prezzi Santos, FADISP, UEL, ICES, FAAT

Doctor Student in law from the Autonomous School of São Paulo (FADISP). Master of Law from the master's program in Legal Sciences of the University Center of Maringá (CESUMAR) in the search line Effective Instruments on the Rights of Personality, receiving approval with maximum grade of banking. Post graduate in Law and Criminal Procedure at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Professor of postgraduate studies at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Professor of postgraduate studies at the Faculty Arhur Thomas (Pahath). graduate professor at Catuaí Institute of Higher Education (ICES). Referee in scientific journals. Graduated in Law from the State University of Londrina (UEL) with specialization in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure. Associate member of the National Council for Research and Graduate Studies in Law (CONPEDI). Member associated with the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM). Lawyer with experience in criminal law and criminal procedure.

Antonio José Mattos do Amaral, UEL, ICES, FADISP, CESUMAR

criminal lawyer. graduate level teacher and graduate in the South, Southeast and Midwest. PhD in Law.



How to Cite

Santos, D. P., & Amaral, A. J. M. do. (2016). Confidential telephone in constitutions of brazil and portugal: analysis of measure in law of treatment and jurisprudential and protection limit between poor and efficient. Revista Do Direito Público, 11(1), 9–40.


