Constitutional courts and instrumentalization of legitimacy
Constitutional Courts, Deliberation theory, Institutional capacities, Institutional dialogues, Instrumentalization of legitimacy.Abstract
The democratic institutions attempt their constitutional role inside the political activity of the State. The Constitutional Courts represent the institutions whom had better promote that functions. This paper looks for investigate the Brazilian, in their deliberative, dialogic and systemic behavior, focusing mainly in what we call instrumentalization of legitimacy. We believe these mechanisms are presented by at least two forms: (i) by participativeinclusion mechanisms; and (ii) by institutional dialogic mechanisms. Both channels allow the Courts reach an award position on the definition of deliberative parameters which, we urges, are presupposed to an institutional cooperative commitment. The objective of this article is to verify the institutional capacities of some Courts to attempt this role applying instrumentalization of legitimacy mechanisms, and analyze its contribution to the construction of deliberative parameters.Downloads
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