International judicial cooperation by means of direct aid in the fight against international abduction of children in Brazil and Colombia


  • Alessandra Mizuta Pontifical University Catholic of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Carla Evelise Justino Hendges Pontifical University Catholic of Rio Grande do Sul



International juridical cooperation, Relativization of sovereignty, Direct assistance, Globalization, International child abduction, 1980 Hague Convention.


This paper addresses the issue of international judicial cooperation by the direct assistance. It reflects on the impact of globalization on the state, the law and the legal systems. Contextualize the reduction of the effectiveness of the rights and the crisis of the process. Adresses the international judicial cooperation as a tool to promote integration of various judicial systems, necessary in a complex and interconnected world in judicial cooperation, there is the direct assistance as a mechanism for cooperation among states, as a less bureaucratic vies, contributing to a more agile adjudication for the achievement of the rights also internationally. One of the international instruments that provide for cooperation by the direct assistance the Hague Convention on international abduction of minors, 1980. Will be examined comparatively procedures for judicial cooperation in civil aspects of child abduction in Brazil and Colombia.

Author Biographies

Alessandra Mizuta, Pontifical University Catholic of Rio Grande do Sul

Student in the Doctoral Program of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Professor of the Universidade Luterana do Brasil. Law Course Assistant Coordinator - ULBRA / Canoes PhD student of PPGD PUCRS.

Carla Evelise Justino Hendges, Pontifical University Catholic of Rio Grande do Sul

PhD student in Law from PUC/RS Brasil. Federal judge. LL.M. from UNISC. Visiting professor in sensu post-graduation courses.



How to Cite

Mizuta, A., & Hendges, C. E. J. (2015). International judicial cooperation by means of direct aid in the fight against international abduction of children in Brazil and Colombia. Revista Do Direito Público, 10(1), 99–126.


