The misconduct administrative front constitutional principles of public administration and its effectiveness before the election ball


  • João Paulo Kemp Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília



Improbidade Administrativa, Princípios da Administração Pública, Efetividade Principiológica


Based on the analysis of constitutional law , and therefore the principles of public administration against improper conduct, this article aims to analyze the applicability of the sanctions provided for in this law , as well as featuring only with its subjective element of intent , and the guilt of an exclusionary illegality on the part of the administrative act that violates the principles of legality , impersonality , morality, publicity and efficiency . To do so, the employee, methodological criteria to make this reflection lies in the hypothetical- deductive method, starting with a literature and document analysis based on specialized readings involving constitutional principles, as opposed to administrative law, and the principles of management public. Thus, after seeing that the blame should be included as a subject for a good administrative and social progress element, aims to demonstrate that this is one of the requirements for the control of misuse of administrative purpose.


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Author Biography

João Paulo Kemp, Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília

Master's in Legal Theory and the state by Euripides University Center Marília- UNIVEM (2014). Associate member of the National Council for Research and Graduate Studies in Law (CONPEDI).



How to Cite

Kemp, J. P. (2014). The misconduct administrative front constitutional principles of public administration and its effectiveness before the election ball. Revista Do Direito Público, 9(3), 179–196.


