The objective liability of the state for damage caused by poor maintenance of public roads
Civil responsability, Public Roads, Human dignity.Abstract
This article aims to demonstrate that it is the State 's responsibility to conservaçãodas roads and if the public administration does not comply with the provision public dosserviços , liable for damages that result from your omissãoobjetivamente , as provided in § 6 of Art . 37 of the Constitution . Having the viaspúblicas preserved ensures traffic safety it is right to todoscidadãos and failure to comply with the fundamental principle reaches previstoconstitucionalmente the dignity of the human person , as this reflects daquele.Diante the complaint made by the press, noting the precariousness in quese are Brazilian public roads , which is to achieve the dignity of pessoahumana , it is necessary to raise awareness of citizens to cover doEstado through effective and swift action , the damages that result from suaomissão and this measure is the responsibility objective .Downloads
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