Social ties and political practices in the south of Cordoba in a key decade: 1870-1880”




Río Cuarto, Social ties, Practical policies, South of Córdoba


It is widespread claim that the central government went through a process of further consolidation from the early 1870s. At the same time, and within the provincial States were redefining also political-administrative relations between the units members; the departments and municipalities for the Cordoba case. This article discusses a region, the south of the province of Córdoba, that towards the end of the 19th century was redrafted territorial and administratively as "Department" but at the same time continued developing its role as "border" area, to explain the dynamics of social and political links built in ella. These ties anchored in the diversity of institutional practices generated from the exercise of the public, (military, judicial, police, political) functions or the missionary work. Linkages with the institutional practices and protection of local interests operating from territorial; but were also mediated by one character of border. Through this analysis will be shown how enhance ties of varying degrees, which had a social function and also policy, inasmuch as it served as a strategy to build power in the region, articulate relations with the province either install the representativeness of the departmental interests in the Government agenda. Including these links in the policy could radiate its influence to the level of election, pro-Government and opposition factions to provide an equation that could prove victorious. The choice of Department Río Cuarto in the Córdoba south, and the time reference to the ' 70s they respond to the interest in investigating that issue in a region that was populated from border until 1879, located at the intersection of trade routes and where a local elite renewed its composition by the incorporation of Cordoba in the capital, identified with the trade and livestock production controlled institutional of the city and campaign structure. At the same time, played spaces of power at the provincial level, after the political bodies of State Government representation

Author Biography

Celia Cristina Basconzuelo, Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto - UNRC

Doctor in History at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Professor of History at the Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.


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How to Cite

BASCONZUELO, Celia Cristina. Social ties and political practices in the south of Cordoba in a key decade: 1870-1880”. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 8, p. 557–594, 2012. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2011v4n8p557. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.