Georges Wambach and the Second World War
art and politics in the midst of war
Georges Wambach, Second World War, Art, Belém, Fifth ColumnAbstract
Georges Wambach was a Belgian painter born in Antwerp who, in the 1930s, motivated by the difficult political and art market scenario, immigrated to Brazil. Earning the nickname “Wandering Painter”, he passed through the city of Belém in 1939, when the Second World War had already begun, visiting landscapes and places that were portrayed by him in paintings. Making use of documents such as newspapers, the legislation of the time or the paintings produced by the painter, this article aims to understand how the processes that occurred since the pre-war conflict touched the character's experience in his trajectory and how the Second World War touched his life and works. Even though there was a certain distance from Wambach in relation to the war theme, he ended up being crossed by it in different ways, whether through his paintings or through his experiences in Brazil.
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