“Qui enim bene facit ex Deo est, qui male facet non novit Deum” Illustrate violence in the Order of Friars Minor


  • Paula Castillo Universidade Nacional de Tres de Febrero




Order of friars minor, Violence, Angelo Clareno


The manuscript 1167 of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Roma, dated at the beginning of the 15th century, incorporates a vulgarization of the most famous work of Fray Angelo Clareno: the Liber Chronicarum sive tribulationum ordinis minorum. The author, at the beginning of the 14th century, set out to reconstruct the history of the Order of minors from Francisco to his days, with a dichotomous reading of his own history: on the one hand, the true followers of the founding father would be found, and by another, those who betrayed their intentions and their religion. In this manuscript, not only the complete work of the friar is incorporated, but fifteen miniatures representing different scenes are added. The objective of this intervention is to analyze some episodes of violence, linked to martyrdom and confinement and the way in which these situations are represented in images. To study the representations is also to examine the relations of force that were being disputed within the Order. To this end, qualitative tools of discourse analysis that we understand central will be used to determine the nature of the story, its intention and the universe of representations it embodies. Through this instrument we will focus on the study of the semantic field, the analysis of allegories and narrative and artistic constructions.

Author Biography

Paula Castillo, Universidade Nacional de Tres de Febrero

Doctor in History Untref (Argentina) and Unipd (Italia). Teacher and researcher Untref.


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How to Cite

CASTILLO, Paula. “Qui enim bene facit ex Deo est, qui male facet non novit Deum” Illustrate violence in the Order of Friars Minor. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 24, p. 47–69, 2019. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2019v12n24p47. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/antiteses/article/view/37681. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.