The Predicación del Evangelio en las Indias of the father Acosta, SI: A theoretical backgr




Social intervention, Preaching, Father Acosta S. J.


During the Spanish colonization, the Christian catechesis was a cause of concern for congregations that were in the territories of the Viceroyalty of Peru, as his preaching was hampered by the struggles of conquest, internal civil strife, the dispersion of the natives, poor preparation of the priests in charge of the doctrines and especially by the shortage of missionaries who knew well the native languages to teach the doctrine and confess. To correct that father Acosta s.j. was instrumental in this ecumenical meeting because through his preaching of the Gospel, clerics were able to recognize they had to reconsider their practices in the missions when they understood that when problems arose with the Indians they were the result o the type of relationships the priests were proposed. Acosta s. j. understood that if the priests continued reading and thinking in terms far from their time, the diagnosis of the situation would be wrong. In this sense, the critical argument analysis of the preaching of the La Predicación del Evangelio en las Indias lets you visualize the Jesuit ideology to understand their social modes of intervention during the American evangelist process.

Author Biography

Natalia Aguerre, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

PhD in Communication. Undergraduate and postgraduate professor at the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata.


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How to Cite

AGUERRE, Natalia. The Predicación del Evangelio en las Indias of the father Acosta, SI: A theoretical backgr. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 21, p. 39–65, 2018. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2018v11n21p39. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.