The route of a research in History


  • Maria Siqueira Santos Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL



Cultural history, Language, . Historical research, Literature, animal magnetism


This article problematizes what high school students (14-19 years old) think about history and his teaching in a virtual space. From Orkut, virtual network of relationships, investigates virtual communities related to the discussion of the history and his teaching, privileging the comments posted on forums (place to debates about the subject). Discusses the nature of the virtual sources and justifies its use as material for historical research. Considers the new ways of thinking about the reality and construction of identity/community of the subject who experiences cyberculture and after this, highlights the significance that netizens place on history and his teaching, in particular the "practicality" of this field of knowledge and/or school discipline. This text is the reporting of the research that I undertook while realizing the Mastering course in Social History in the State University of Londrina. I started the research studying the novel Nove noites written by Bernardo Carvalho, then I penetrate into the labyrinth of its narrative voices and got involved in the discussion about its metafictionality. Then I analyzed some academic theses that focus those metafictions. I would like to visualize the academic discourse about contemporary literature, realize if these works could be classified as metafictions. As I read the theses, however, I discovered António Lobo Antunes. Author of several novels, this Portuguese began his literary production with Memória de Elefante, which plot unfolds throughout the day of a psychiatrist that finds in language the possibility of transforming the world. For when I thought I had finally found my historical source, a sudden episode, the encounter with a book, changed the direction of my research. Written by the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk, A árvore mágica, tells the story of the animal magnetism; it is “an epic attempt in relation to the philosophy of psychology.” For being a report of the route of the research of my sources this text goes up to the moment that I discovered Sloterdijk’s novel and could delimit the subject of my dissertation.


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Author Biography

Maria Siqueira Santos, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Master in Social History from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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How to Cite

SANTOS, Maria Siqueira. The route of a research in History. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 10, p. 807–831, 2013. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2012v5n10p807. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jan. 2025.