Elaboration and validation of a simulation scenario for communicating institutional bond termination in nursing





Nursing, Simulation Training, Simulation Nursing Team, Health Communication, Leadership and Governance Capacity


Objective: to develop a simulation scenario for teaching difficult communication in institutional bond termination for the nursing team and validate it in terms of face and content. Methods: a methodological study that designed and assessed a simulation scenario with 17 experts in the field. Data were collected and processed using the internet clouds system. Results: the simulation scenario elaborated was improved according to the experts’ suggestions by including topics related to the scenario title; educational objectives; description of pre-briefing; design flowchart; termination protocol; the debriefing model; and scenario references. The final version obtained an average of 94.6%. Conclusion: the simulation scenario was fully validated for using and promoting difficult communication teaching in institutional bond termination in the nursing team.


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Author Biographies

Diego Santiago Montandon, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing

PhD student

Beatriz de Souza Garcia Carvalho, Faculty of Nursing of Presidente Prudente of the University of Oeste Paulista


Bruno Henrique da Silva, Faculty of Nursing of Presidente Prudente of the University of Oeste Paulista

Nurse. Urgent and emergency resident

Carla Roberta Silva Rosa Braga, Faculty of Nursing of Presidente Prudente of the University of Oeste Paulista


Drielly Paula de Alcantara Conceição, Faculty of Nursing of Presidente Prudente of the University of Oeste Paulista


Ifé Odara Alves Monteiro d Silva, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing

Master's Degree student


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How to Cite

Montandon, D. S., Carvalho, B. de S. G., Silva, B. H. da, Braga, C. R. S. R., Conceição, D. P. de A., & Silva, I. O. A. M. d. (2020). Elaboration and validation of a simulation scenario for communicating institutional bond termination in nursing. Advances in Nursing and Health, 2. https://doi.org/10.5433/anh.2020v2.id38920