Call for submissions : Games, Culture, and Knowledge in Contemporaneity


Games are part of the history and culture of various peoples, being transmitted through generations over time and characterized by their playfulness and production of social spaces, promoting encounters and exchanges of knowledge and affections mediated by the desire for engagement. Whether on the board, on digital platforms, or through bodily movements, for example, games impact modes of subjectivation, relationships with otherness, and communal sharing.

The problematization of games reaches various fields of knowledge and involves issues related to their conceptualization, production, circulation, and use. Frequently, it encompasses research focused on analyzing the results of their use, as in various educational studies, or their influence on social behaviors. Historical, philosophical, sociological, and anthropological studies on ludic devices, in their uses and meanings, are also common. Investigative approaches based on games address topics relevant to learning, cognitive development, creation, movement, performance, ritual – to name just a few examples. Recently, the pandemic and technological context have exacerbated discussions about isolation and digital devices, the use of artificial intelligence, and virtual reality in the construction, dissemination, and consumption of games. Furthermore, issues related to their political use compel us to problematize the phenomenon of gamification itself, in its scope and abuses.

In this issue of the Journal Semina: Social and Human Sciences, we expect contributions that present discussions and analyses about games from various perspectives. We welcome transdisciplinary works aimed at understanding games as a cultural phenomenon in the technological, media, and social contemporary context, as well as in the educational, cultural, artistic, and health promotion fields. We also encourage the sharing of studies based on issues related to accessibility, gender diversity, and ethnic-racial diversity in the gaming universe.

Renata Schlumberger Schevisbiski – UEL

Julia Polessa Maçaira – UFRJ

André Bocchetti – UFRJ

Submission deadline: 15/07/2024
Publication deadline: 30/12/2024