Evaluation of the multifatorial influence for chemical dependence between infants and teenagers in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


  • Nicolau Maués Serra Freire Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
  • Antelina Serra Freire Lobo
  • Stela Telles Oliveira Secretaria de Saúde de Volta Redonda




Chemical dependency, Child and adolescent, Conditioning factors, Describers of importance in causality, Rio de Janeiro.


In 2005/06, an epidemiological study on multifactorial chemical dependency in children and adolescents was conducted with 3,000 addicts, in 28 cities/8 geographic regions of Rio de Janeiro. In each county, Community Health Workers and Foster Parents selected subjects with the following requirements: they had to be between 4-16 years old, agreed to be volunteers with the permission of those responsible; and have lived on location for three years or more. The prepared questionnaire was answered by everyone in free expression. The response options for each item were transformed into percentage figures, which were compared amongst them by test “z”, determining alpha at 10%. The 12 highest trend descriptors were: family breakdown when the father abandons the home (20%); disruption or dissolution of the family (14%); chemical dependence in families (13%); maternal prostitution (12%); domestic violence (7%); abuse by the father, mother, or both (6%); father or mother imprisonment (6%); lack of commitment from parents (5%); parental neglect (5%); abandonment by one or both parents (4%); sexual abuse of minor by parent, stepparent, uncle/aunt, cousins etc. (4%); and single mothers who need to work (4%). It was concluded that the disruption of the family structure is the major risk factor for children and adolescents to become addicts. Both father and mother are fundamental in raising a child/adolescent who is able to avoid becoming a drug addict. The reality of drug use affliction in Rio de Janeiro relates with situations in other countries: the lack, and/or excess of financial resources of children and adolescents’ providers lead to the lack of attention towards them, favoring entry into the world of drugs. The five main reasons youngsters are attracted into drug use, as released by WHO, take place in Rio de Janeiro.


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Author Biographies

Nicolau Maués Serra Freire, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz

Bacharel em Medicina Veterinária; Especialização em Parasitologia Veterinária; Mestrado em Medicina Veterinária; Doutorado em Medicina Veterinária (UFRRJ). Médico Veterinário Pesquisador do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ).

Antelina Serra Freire Lobo

Médica no PSF do Município de Volta Redonda, RJ.

Stela Telles Oliveira, Secretaria de Saúde de Volta Redonda

Bióloga da Secretaria de Saúde de Volta Redonda, RJ.



How to Cite

Freire NMS, Lobo ASF, Oliveira ST. Evaluation of the multifatorial influence for chemical dependence between infants and teenagers in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Semin. Cienc. Biol. Saude [Internet]. 2010 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];31(1):83-92. Available from: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/seminabio/article/view/6608


