Know to prevent: complementation of the knowledge of the students of fundamental education on microbiology and parasitology in three schools of Uberlândia-MG
Education, Health, Prevention.Abstract
The knowledge about microbiology and parasitology is considered abstract since causative agents of diseases cannot be seen with the naked eye, leading to students’ detachment from reality. Therefore, this work aimed to promote educational actions through playful tools that could complement students’ learning regarding the different groups of microorganisms and parasites and the prophylactic measures related to them. Furthermore, at the end of the actions it was evaluated if the students were able to discriminate the groups of microorganisms and relate them to the diseases they cause and the different forms of prophylaxis. To this end, interviews were conducted with teachers to survey the possible activities that could be used. The action was defined and then divided into three moments (expository class, didactic game and scientific show) held between August and November 2018, reaching approximately 350 students, from the eighth and ninth years, from three public schools in the urban and rural area of the city oftUberlândia-MG. To assess the impact of the action, a comparative analysis of questionnaires was applied before (pre-intervention) and after the action (post-intervention). The percentage of correct answers in the questionnaires post-intervention increased in two schools (p>0,005). Regarding the analysis by questions, the lowest percentages of correct answers were observed in questions related to the distinction between bacterial and viral diseases, the recognition of the symptoms and the association of transmission ways with prophylaxis. Thus, this study reinforces the importance of health education for students to mobilize in the fight against diseases.Downloads
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