Epiphytic ferns in trails of the Guairacá Park, municipality of Paula Freitas, Paraná state
Pteridoflora, Epiphytic environments, Araucaria forest, Urban parksAbstract
Epiphytes play important ecological role, and the ferns shows a significant diversity in the forest environments, due to the numerous specific and diverse microenvironments. The diversity of epiphytic ferns in Paraná state is still relatively unknown. The Paula Freitas region, in particular, does not present specific studies for this group of plants. In this sense, the present study aimed to evaluate the diversity of epiphytic ferns in regions of trails in the Guairacá Municipal Park in Paula Freitas, Paraná. Ten species in eight genera and four families were recorded. The family Polypodiaceae (eight species) was the richest in the evaluated area, reflecting the morphoanatomic characteristics common to the family species. The results contribute to the recognition of the floristic and ecological characteristics of epiphytic ferns occurring in the state of Paraná.Downloads
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