Isolation of stigmaterol from hexanic extract of the leaves of Sphagneticola trilobata Pruski (Asteraceae)
Sphagneticola trilobata Pruski, Stigmasterol, Chromatography, Phytosterol.Abstract
The interest of researchers and the general population is quite evident, and has grown considerably today, in the use of medicinal plants. The species of interest in this work, Sphagneticola trilobata Pruski is a herbaceous plant, belonging to Asteraceae family. Some reports have shown the presence of several chemical constituents in this plant, mainly diterpenes. The present work carried out the phytochemical study of a fraction of the hexane extract, due to the low yield of the dichloromethane fraction, by several chromatographic methods, in which the phytosterol estigmasterol was isolated. This compound has been confirmed by means of spectroscopic and literature data, and the isolation of compounds of this class of substances indicates a new strand for the medicinal use of this plant as a hypocholesterolemic future. For this, studies will be directed to the isolation of phytosterols, with subsequent biological tests.Downloads
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