Occurrence of enteroparasites in schoolchildren in the city of Bandeirantes, Paraná, Brazil
Intestinal parasites, Epidemiological questionnaire, Educational actionsAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of enteroparasites in schoolchildren from the 6th to the 9th of a public school system in the city of Bandeirantes, Paraná, and to discuss educational actions in the prevention of intestinal parasites. Fecal samples were processed by spontaneous sedimentation, centrifugal-flotation in 33% zinc sulfate and modified Kato-Katz methods. The chisquare test (?2), Fisher’s exact test and Odds Ratio (OR) test were used to analyze the association between the results and the data obtained from the epidemiological questionnaire, with a significance level of 5%. Of the 112 fecal samples analyzed, 9.8% (11/112) were positive. Monoparasitism was observed for 10 samples, for the following parasites: Giardia sp 36.3% (4/11); Entamoeba coli 27.3% (3/11); Iodamoeba butschlii 9.1% (1/11); Endolimax nana 9.1% (1/11) and Enterobius vermicularis 9.1% (1/11). Polyparasitism was observed for only one sample with Endolimax nana and Iodamoeba butschlii. There were no significant differences (p> 0.05) between the variables associated with the stool test results. Educational actions covered 90% (273/307) of schoolchildren. The parasites E. coli, I. butschlii and E. nana, despite being commensal to the human intestinal tract, are indicators of failure in personal hygiene, since its mechanism of transmission is via the fecal-oral route. However, despite the low frequency found, there is circulation by intestinal parasites in the study population, strengthening the importance of educational actions in the role of prevention, which help in personal hygiene and food adequatelyDownloads
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