Gastric lesions in swine: occurrence and correlation with sex, weight and Helicobacter spp infection.
Swine, Helicobacter spp., Gastric lesions.Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the lesions of the gastric mucosa in slaughter pigs and sex, carcass weight and presence of Helicobacter spp. Stomachs from 236 swine were examined. Gastroesophageal lesions were classified in agreement severity in grade 0, 1, 2 and 3. Fragments from the aglandular and glandular area were processed for histology and for dentification of Helicobacter spp in tissue sections. Macroscopic analysis revealed 203 (86.1%) stomachs with some degree of lesion. Grade 2 and 3 lesions were observed in 104 (44.1%) animals. Grade 3 lesions were observed in 25 (21.1%) castrated males and 20 (16.5%) females. The average carcass weight of animals with grade 0 and 1 lesions and grade 2 and 3 was 82,5 Kg and 79,5 Kg, respectively. One hundred and twelve (47.5%) pigs were positive for Helicobacter spp. by Warthin-Starry stain method ; among them, 54 (48.2%) had grade 2 and 3 lesions; and 58 (51.8%) had grade 0 and 1 lesions. One hundred and twentyfour (52.5%) were negative for Helicobacter spp; among them 50 (40.3%) had grade 2 and 3 lesions, and 74 (59.7%) had grade 0 and 1. There was no significant difference between pigs with and without gastric lesions in regard to the presence of Helicobacter spp, sex and weight.
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