Sustainable Consumption, National Publications, Literature ReviewAbstract
Sustainable consumption has received increasing attention as a research topic. However, little is known about the evolution of the topic in Brazil. With this perspective, this research aims to analyze how the theme of sustainable consumption is being addressed in the main Brazilian journals. Through a literature review, 54 articles with a focus on sustainable consumption published in Portuguese and English, from 2009 to 2018 were selected. For the analysis were considered: (1) number of publications; (2) authorship; (3) investigation method; (4) types of consumption; and (5) results of the articles, with an emphasis on limitations and propositions (which generated a research agenda). The results make evident the progress of the theme in the country, however little theoretical consistency in comparison with other types of consumption aimed at sustainability. A research agenda is proposed with a focus on three elements: theoretical deepening, scope increasing and context diversification. Thus, this research contributes to the debate on the progress of the theme, making it clear which are the new paths to research sustainable consumption.
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