Biopower, Biopolitics and Governmentality: concepts to interpret and criticize managerial power


  • Edgar Varela Barrios Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ciencias de la Administración, Cali



Governmentality, Biopower, Biopolitics, Foucault and Management.


This paper presents the concepts of Biopower, Biopolitics and Foucault’s Governmentality notion, which have been used in many fields of Social Sciences to analyze and understand the exercise of human power. An important part of this discussion focuses on a review of the original sense that Foucault gave to these categories, without attempting a critical review of his thoughts. The goal of this paper is to understand the power and the dynamics of contemporary organizational management in the light of these concepts. To do so, the author presents a synthesis of the main concepts of this article and its links to management, political power and governmentality in postmodern societies.

Author Biography

Edgar Varela Barrios, Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ciencias de la Administración, Cali

Possui doutorado em Administração pela École des Hautes Études commerciales de Montréal, Canadá. Mestrado em História Andina pela Universidad del Valle, Colômbia com licenciatura em Filosofia por essa mesma instituição. Diretor do Instituto de Prospectiva, Innovación y Gestión del Conocimiento e Director do Grupo de Investigação "Gestión y Políticas Públicas", Categoría A - COLCIENCIAS da Universidad del Valle. Professor Titular da Facultad de Ciencias de la Administración dessa universidade.



How to Cite

Barrios, E. V. (2014). Biopower, Biopolitics and Governmentality: concepts to interpret and criticize managerial power. Organizações E Sustentabilidade, 2(2), 3–37.


