Contributions of a LED lighting product for Eletrical Power Consumption Reduction - Brazil
sustainable innovation, Sustainability, LED lightingAbstract
Our society is currently concerned about sustainability, in other words, with the harmony between economic, environmental and social goals. And one of the factors related to this is thehigh resource consumption associated with the intensive use of electricity, mainly in industrial activities. In this context, this article seeks to explore how we can achieve a reduction of electricity consumption through the replacement of conventional lighting by a LED lighting product. The research is a single case study. The specific results of the study focus on the economic outcomes related to the return over investment period and the social and environmental outcomes related to the reduction of energy consumption to achieve an energy efficiency strategy. Authors found that the LED lighting systems , at the company in question, added value without compromising the natural resources, a fundamental principle of sustainable innovation.Downloads
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How to Cite
Frederico, A., Kniess, C. T., & Silveira, F. F. (2014). Contributions of a LED lighting product for Eletrical Power Consumption Reduction - Brazil. Organizações E Sustentabilidade, 2(2), 203–230.
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