The Use of Wind in Brazil: economic, social, environmental and legal aspects
wind energy, economic and environmental and legal sustainability.Abstract
There is a consensus amongst experts that the production of energy from fossil sources will decline in coming decades until its extinction. Countries are already anticipating ways of finding new sources of renewable energy that take into account new criteria, such as sustainability. Amongst these sources, the generation of electric energy based on wind power and wind turbine power have appeared with great importance. In this context, this work aims to determine the opportunities and constraints of the use of wind power energy in Brazil. For this, it has used a qualitative research based on in-depth interviews with persons that occupy relevant positions in the interest groups (agents) involved in the exploration of wind energy in Brazil. The results indicate that there are opportunities in relation to the social dimensions, economic and environmental aspects. However, there are restrictions in the legal field, mainly due to the legal insecurity; the difficulty in obtaining environmental licence and permit; the lack of a legal framework that is stable in the long term and also the extensive bureaucracy.
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