A Visual analysis of the hydraulic tile patterns of the Paço dos Açorianos in Porto Alegre

between form, meaning and surface design





mosaics, surface design, form, design, visual literacy


Hydraulic tiles are artistic expressions that enrich private and public spaces, representing historical cultural heritage and identity. Thus, the object of study of the research is the Paço dos Açorianos of Porto Alegre - RS, with thematic delimitation on the hydraulic tiles located in the entrance hall of the ground floor of the building, which are composed of four modules with patterns that form the composition of a tiled carpet. The objective is to investigate the visual structures and iconographic aspects of the patterns, analyzing the elements contained in the graphics to obtain a technical-constructive understanding, in order to mediate paths for the conservation of the modules. The methodology consisted of decomposing the shapes for a detailed analysis. To prepare the analyses, it was also based on knowledge about surface design, principles of form and two-dimensional design, decomposition of form, visual literacy through visual techniques that help communication, investigation of signs and symbols and references visuals of ancient cultural ornaments. The work is of doctoral research, which aims at the feasibility of means for conserving the integrated asset and also contributing to a deeper understanding of hydraulic tiles as significant elements of architectural heritage, highlighting their historical and cultural importance.


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Author Biographies

Arthur Thiago Thamay Medeiros, UFRGS

PhD in Design, with a concentration in Design Technology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Master in Design from the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG, specialist in Arts and Project Management from the Centro Universitário Internacional Signorelli, specialist also in Teaching for Professional Education from Faculdade Senac Porto Alegre, graduated in Product Design from the Federal University of Campina Grande and bachelor in Social Communication from the State University of Paraíba - UEPB. He is a researcher at the Materials Design and Selection Laboratory - LdSM, working in the lines of research: Design and Cultural Heritage, and Three-Dimensional Digitization. He also works as a collaborative researcher responsible for the research line "Modern Design: art, culture and communication", "History of architecture and the modern city. FORM CG" and "Documentation of cultural heritage" of GRUPAL - Architecture and Place Research Group - CNPq/UFCG. He is a professor of the Technical Interior Design Course at Senac - RS. He is an expert member of CIPA Heritage Documentation. He is also an affiliated member of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS - BRAZIL) and the Brazilian Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH - Brazil). He worked as a journalist and designer in the communications sector at the UFRGS Institute of Informatics. He has experience in the areas of product design and interior design, visual communication, cultural heritage, modern heritage and industrial heritage, working on the following topics: 3D technologies, digital manufacturing, computational modeling, surface design, interface design, graphic planning and desktop publishing.

Fabio, UFRGS

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from UFRGS (2002), Master's (2006) and Doctorate (2011) in Engineering, with an emphasis on Materials Science and Technology, from PPGE3M/UFRGS. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Design and Graphic Expression (DEG/FA/UFRGS) and Permanent Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Design, with an emphasis on Design Technology (PGDESIGN/UFRGS). He works as a consultant for the main national and regional funding bodies, such as CNPq, CAPES and FAPERGS. He is Coordinator of the Multi-User Rapid Prototyping Center (CMPR), of the UFRGS Scientific and Technological Park (ZENIT/UFRGS); Deputy Coordinator of the Innovation and Digital Manufacturing Laboratory at the School of Engineering (LIFEE/UFRGS); and member of the Local Technological Initiation Committee, of the Technological Development Secretariat (SEDETEC/UFRGS). He is a researcher at the Materials Design and Selection Laboratory (LDSM/UFRGS) with experience in the areas of Design and Engineering, working since 2000 on topics related to 3D Technologies: Three-Dimensional Scanning, 3D Printing, CNC Machining, Laser Cutting, Digital Manufacturing, Digital Inspection, Virtual and Augmented Reality. He also works on the application of 3D Technologies in projects involving Bionics, Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Assistive Technology. Since 2017, he has been leader of the LDSM/UFRGS (DGP/CNPq) research group. Since 05/2021 he has been coordinator of PGDESIGN/UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Thiago Thamay Medeiros, A., & Pinto da Silva, F. (2024). A Visual analysis of the hydraulic tile patterns of the Paço dos Açorianos in Porto Alegre: between form, meaning and surface design. Projetica, 15(3), 1–38. https://doi.org/10.5433/2236-2207.2024.v15.n3.50044



Design Grafico: Imagem e Mídia

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