Analyzing the Think-aloud protocol method, its contexts and variations.
Think-aloud Protocol, Design research tools, UsabilityAbstract
Currently, the application of Think-aloud Protocol ( or Protocol Analysis) focuses on usability tests and interface development. However, the method has its origin (under different names) in the studies of Neurolinguistics and Cognitive Psychology at the beginning of the last century, exploring the functioning of the human mind through speech. This article discusses this method, presenting its trajectory to Design, its potentialities and criticisms. We believe that the issues raised in this discussion are enriching for researchers who wish to reproduce or adapt the protocol analysis method. Among these issues, the following are highlighted: the differences between its original application and in Design; variations developed to bypass methodological limitations. Therefore, we seek to assist in the identification of relevant parameters for the inclusion of the user in the project, in addition to provide theoretical references for a better understanding of the development of usability tests in general.
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