Fantasy sport design in the context of eSports: design of a platform for the game League of Legends




Fantasy Sport, League of Legends, eSports, Online Gaming


The rise of eSports (electronic games formed by teams) has revealed the emergence of a new segment, called Fantasy Games. In this proposition, online games have their scoring mechanics linked to other games played by teams, and thus, when selecting a virtual player, the game offers a direct connection with a real player. Among the eSports games, League of Legends has stood out internationally. Considering this scenario, this article presents the development of the League Fantasy platform, a Fantasy Game related to the League of Legends game, based on the methodology of game design by Rollings and Morris (2004).

Author Biography

Tobias Tessmann Mulling, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

PhD in Interactive Technologies earned from the University of Brighton, England, in 2019. Professor at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas


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How to Cite

Mulling, T. T., & Kosby, J. (2022). Fantasy sport design in the context of eSports: design of a platform for the game League of Legends. Projetica, 13(1), 316–343.



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