The capabilities of blueberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) under the perspectives of Slow Food and Slow Fashion




Blueberry, Dyeing, Slow Food, Slow Fashion


This research aims to present the slow food and slow fashion movements, showing the capabilities of blueberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) as an integrating element among them, and towards the appreciation of regional tourism. To do so, an experimental research was carried out on the use of blueberry in handmade dyeing. In addition, an interview was used as instrument of data collection, conducted with one of the partners of Empório do Mirtilo, a company located in the city of Itá (Santa Catarina, Brazil) that works with a Pick and Pay system of the referred fruit. Two experiments were carried out, one with the blueberry peels, and the other with decomposing fruits. Based on the experiments, it is concluded that the results achieved were satisfactory, showing the possibility of using blueberry as raw material in this process.

Author Biographies

Andreia Mesacasa, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS

PhD in Design earned from the Universidade Federal do Paraná. Professor at the Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS

Carla Natacha Szabat, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS

Technical specialist in Fashion Design earned from the Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS


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How to Cite

Mesacasa, A., & Szabat, C. N. (2021). The capabilities of blueberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) under the perspectives of Slow Food and Slow Fashion. Projetica, 12(2), 317–347.



Design de Moda