Clothes and memory: the reconstruction of Marie Antoinette and the representation of the double in the dresses of Sofia Coppola’s film




Clothing, Marie Antoinette, Memorabilia Artifacts, Costume


This research aims to investigate the relationship between memory and clothing, in order to explore how the remembrance through images may create the doubles – permeating concepts such as the memorabilia, the museums themselves and fashion exhibitions. The exhibition of the costumes produced for Sofia Coppola’s “Marie Antoinette” (2006), “Marie Antoinette: I Costume de una Regina da Oscar” is taken as object of study for the understanding of the past and the present, memory and remembrance.


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Author Biographies

Caroline Meira Nunes de Almeida, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Student of the Master program in Textile and Fashion at the University of São Paulo

Sílvia Barros de Held, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Professor PhD at the University of São Paulo


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How to Cite

Almeida, C. M. N. de, & Held, S. B. de. (2020). Clothes and memory: the reconstruction of Marie Antoinette and the representation of the double in the dresses of Sofia Coppola’s film. Projetica, 11(1supl), 165–194.



Design de Moda

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