VGBL - Life Generating Free Benefits: the insecured insurance
VGBL - Life Generating Free Benefits. Security. Succession planning. Private autonomy. Stipulation in favor of third parties.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to investigate the legal security of Life Generating Benefits Free - VGBL contracts, especially when used as a succession planning mechanism. Inserted in the legal system as a modality of insurance for survival, the VGBL consists of an investment contract for future fruition, to serve as a supplementary pension to the founder, which, by using the typical rules of life insurance contracts, allows the stipulater indicate the beneficiaries of the fund for after his death. This freedom in the indication of the beneficiaries collides with the rules of succession law, has the potential to modify the order of hereditary vocation and even to violate the legitimate one. Faced with this problem, through the deductive method, based on doctrinal and jurisprudential bibliographic research, we sought to analyze the existing conflict in order to reach a definition of the insured's legal certainty in complying with the stipulation of the beneficiaries of their contract.
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