Positive communication and negociation techniques: a transforming path in the affective and family relationships of contemporaneity
Contemporaneity. Family conflicts. Communication skills.Abstract
The social changes of the period called contemporary had a considerable impact on the way of living and relating to individuals. Communication started to be valued at its maximum potential, at a time marked by globalization, technology, fluidity, ruptures and innovations. Human coexistence and its relationships of affection sedimented diverse family arrangements, base done quality and democracy, causing conflicts duetothe new roles of cohabitants and the destandardization of previous models. Familiar webs, considered complex because of the involvement of various actors and, thus, multiplicities of emotions, feelings, opinions and positions, require the promotion of diverse communication skills, whichenable its members to solve their own conflicts, in order to avoid the disruption of families in the face of new social demands of contemporary times. Scrutinizing contemporary Chang es in the evolution of families and offering positive responses to pacification based on a new communicational model was the main objective of this text. The study focuses on qualitative research through bibliographic, documentary research, narratives, ideas and individual observations by this researcher.
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