The compulsory double degree of jusrisdiction in improbity actions


  • Alex Matoso Silva
  • Cintia Garabini Lages



Improbity, Review Required, Due process


The purpose of this paper is to discuss – in the light of due constitutional process and the theory of the constitutional model of the procedure – the validity of the submission of rulings of inadmissibility in actions of administrative improbity to the double degree of compulsory jurisdiction, especially taking into account that, in the absence of an express rule determining the necessary review in such cases, the submission is made by force of application by analogy of the provisions of article 19 of Law 4.717/65 (Law of Class Actions) or by the subsidiary application of article 496 of the Code of Civil Procedure. This exploratory research will adopt as procedures the bibliographical review and the documentary analysis (of ruled cases), being the method of inference the inductive one. It seeks to validate the negative hypothesis for the necessary review, either because the analogy is inapplicable, or because the review itself lacks constitutional protection


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Author Biographies

Alex Matoso Silva

Mestre em Direito pela Fundação Universidade de Itauna (FUIT). Especialista em Direito Público pelo Instituto de Educação Continuada (IEC). Bacharel em Direito pela Fundação Educacional Monsenhor Messias (FEMM). Email: alexmatososilva@gmail. com

Cintia Garabini Lages

Doutora em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUCMG). Mestre em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUCMG). Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Email:



How to Cite

Silva, A. M., & Lages, C. G. (2020). The compulsory double degree of jusrisdiction in improbity actions. Scientia Iuris, 24(1), 165–185.


