O dano moral no âmbito do direito de família: filhos de pais separados


  • Adauto de Almeida Tomaszewski Universidade Estadual de Londrina




Traumatic separations, Deformation of the personality, Moral injury.


The development personality can suffer irreversible damages before traumatical divorces. The separation can cause a bitterness feeling to children and the teens, victims of a broken marriage. In general, the descendants react to the divorce having a difficult socialization in their environment or presenting some clinical diseases like unconscious’s manifestations. At this moment, the only juridical step to provide the descendants of their needs is the mensal contribution that must be paid for the father in order to adquire feed, cloth and some medicine help. Unfortunately, in many cases, this payment is not enough to give children the same emotional pleasure and safety that they would have if they were living with their parents. Undoubtedly, for children, it is important having the father and mother getting on well, in spite of living in separated houses. The children and the teens prefer to have the parents at home than a mensal payment. There are many cases found in the psychoanalyzes are decorrent of traumatical situations that happened in childhood and the adolescence. Must of them need a specialized treatment, but the mensal payment it’s not sufficient to cover all these accounts. The Law cannot ignore this situation. There is no reason to defend a philosophy that believes the Law is a statical doctrine or that justice never changes. Instead of this, none of the new theories and researches, like this, could preced and make sense. According to RICASENS SICHES theory, Law is a dynamic and logical science. It’s necessary to know the fundaments of Psychology to averigue the effects of the broken marriages. Nowadays, there are many groups to attend the children and the teens of divorced parents. It was verified that the first and the second years of the separation are the most difficult to the descendants. Commonly, they show relationship problems and they don’t get good scores at school. The most frequent symptoms of the divorced parent’s children are agressivity, hasty, anxious and concentrating problems in the subjects. In addition, they get all kind of sickness and pains like headaches, stomackaches and even diabet. All of this, is a result of the insecurity feeling before the troubled separation process. Finally, thinking about all the problems involved in the divorce, and mainly that the mensal contribution is not enough to cover the children and the teens emotional treatments, it has been requisiting a indenization to compensate the negative effects that some separations can cause to divorced parent’s descendants. This can be done through a repair like moral damage.


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Author Biography

Adauto de Almeida Tomaszewski, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doutor Professor dos Cursos de Graduação e Pós-graduação da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - Campus Londrina/PR, Faculdade Metropolitana Londrinense UMP-IESB e Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR – Campus Umuarama e Paranavaí/PR



How to Cite

Tomaszewski, A. de A. (2002). O dano moral no âmbito do direito de família: filhos de pais separados. Scientia Iuris, 1, 189–214. https://doi.org/10.5433/2178-8189.1997v1n0p189


