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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution shall be original, unpublished and not being evaluated for publication by other journals; otherwise, the author ought to report this in the "Comments to the Editor".

  • Files accepted for submission shall be in Microsoft Word, Open Office or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2MB).

  • URLs for referrals should be stated when needed.

  • The text shall have space 1,5; utilize a 12-point font; italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses); figures and tables ought to be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.

  • The text shall follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements of the “Author Guidelines”.

  • The identification of authorship shall be removed from the file in the properties option of Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's criteria of confidentiality and when submitted for blind peer review (e.g. articles), articles shall be in accordance with the instructions made available by the journal.

  • The text shall have an abstract and keywords.

  • Did you use generative AI to write this manuscript?. If you used generative AI or AI-assisted technology, please include the Statement as a supplementary document.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines



The scientific journal SCIENTIA IURIS of the University of Londrina’s (UEL) master program in negotiation law - has the objective of publishing scientific articles of authors of educational and research institutions – domestic or foreign.

1. Acceptance criteria: submitted articles shall be unpublished, that is, they cannot be published elsewhere. The acceptance procedure is as follows: 

First stage: selection of articles will be in accordance with the criteria of relevance and suitability established by editorial guidelines.

Second stage: "ad hoc" reviewers will review submitted articles resulting in quality reports. The Editorial Committee and scientific advisors will be responsible for this stage, as they will filter out articles that do not meet the journal’s quality standards. Reviews can take three forms:

a. full acceptance;

b. partial acceptance: will be fully accepted if the author modifies their article in accordance with the committee’s review;

c. full recusal. 

1.1. Languages: articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish will be published if they meet the committee’s standards. Papers in other languages may be published if the Consultative Council submits a positive review, in which case the abstract should also be in English (abstract is a requirement in any language).

1.2. Opinions, viewpoints, and concepts contained in submitted articles are of the author’s sole responsibility.

2. Possible types of collaborations accepted by the journal: original articles that fit the following categories shall be accepted:

2.1. Scientific articles (minimum of 15 pages and maximum of 25 pages): shall present theoretical or experimental research for the development of conclusive results. Original articles with experimental research shall contain the necessary information allowing readers to repeat results and / or evaluate the author's conclusions. Furthermore, publications shall have the following topics: Title (in native language and English); Abstract in native language; Key words in native language; Abstract in English; Key words in English; Introduction; Development; Conclusion; Acknowledgments (when needed), and References.

2.1.1. Articles shall contain at least one doctor as one of its authors or co-authors. Co-author (s) shall at least be a master’s candidate

2.1.2. Due to the high degree of exogeny requirements followed by SCIENTIA IURIS (75%), only approximately two (2) articles of authors from the Universities of the State of Paraná shall be published by the journal. In this case, the journal, prefers, professors and students from the State University of Londrina’s master program in negotiation law.

• The number of articles shall be delimited in accordance with the calculation of the “exogenous percentage” of CAPES. According to the classification and reclassification criteria of CAPES - Law, the percentage of exogenity is calculated considering the total number of authors per volume. Thus, in order to define the number of authors from Paraná, and consequently, the number of openings per edition, the journal considers the total number of authors per issue.

2.1.3. The limit of authors per article are three. In regards to articles of authors of the Institutions of the State of Paraná, preference will be given to articles with up to 2 (two) authors, due to the journal’s exogeny requirements.  

2.1.4. At the time of publication, authors should preferably not have publications in the last three (3) journal numbers.

2.1.5. The object of the article should correspond to one of the following research lines of the UEL’s master program in negotiation law: 1 - Business Relations in Private Law) 2 - Access to justice: solving conflicts in public and private legal transactions involving individual and transindividual interests 3 – The contemporary state: business and international relations.

2.2. Reviews (minimum of 1 page and maximum of 3 pages).

3. Procedure for data registration of authors and scientific articles in the journals system:

Authors shall inform when registering in the journal’s system:

• Title of the article in Portuguese;

• Summary and keywords;

• Knowledge area (s) and sub-area (s);

• Full name of each author, followed by institutional affiliation and ORCID;

• Full address of the author, telephone and e-mail;

• Biographical summary;

• If need be, authors may write a paragraph acknowledging financial support, collaboration of colleagues and technicians, origin of the research (e.g. work previously presented in event, derived from a thesis or dissertation; collection of data from another institution other than the one informed in their affiliation; and other ethical disclosures).

4. Standardization rules for articles:

4.1. SCIENTIA IURIS adopts the standardization rules for documents of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) and the technical standards for tables, graphs, etc. of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Articles must be typed in Word (Windows 7.0 or later), in space 1.5, font type Times New Roman, size 12, not exceeding 80 characters per line, the number of pages must adequately fit the category in which it is inserted, and must also be numbered from the cover page with the number “1”. The page should be in A4 format, with upper and left (3 cm) and lower and right (2 cm) margins.  

4.2. The articles shall have the following order:

4.2.1. Depersonalized pages (s) containing only:

• Title in Portuguese or native language, not exceeding 15 words;  

• Title in English, compatible with the title in Portuguese or native language;  

Abstract (maximum of 200 words), written in a single paragraph, single-spaces, justified alignment and keywords (minimum 3 and maximum 5) for indexing purposes. Words shall be chosen using the criteria of adequacy; thusly, they shall be compatible with other articles of similar themes and can be found by a researcher doing a bibliographical survey;

• Abstract and Keywords shall be in English compatible with the text in the Portuguese or native language. The abstract should follow the same specifications as the Portuguese or native language version, followed, sequentially, by the key words and the corresponding native version.

4.2.2. The article shall be as such:

• In all categories of the article, the text ought to have an easily recognizable organization, indicated by a system of titles and subtitles that reflects such organization (Information and Documentation – Citations in Documents – Presentation/ Ago. 2002), complying with the author-date system (e.g. Barcellos et al. (1977)).... 

[...] posse pro labore or posse-trabalho (NERY JÚNIOR; NERY, 2001). 

[...] sem que essa prestação de serviços ...” (HONRUBIA et al., 1996, p. 224).

According to Canotilho (2000 apud ARAUJO, 2001, p. 82)...

– When several works are cited in the same paragraph, they shall be presented in chronological order. If there is more than one work of the same author and same year, letters shall be employed to distinguish them (e.g. Diniz (2003a, 2003b). The criteria for choosing letters, e.g. a, b, c etc. is the alphabetic order of the book or article titles of the same author and year.

– In case of a book or article written by up to three authors, their surnames in the citation must be separated by a comma and the conjunction “and” (e.g. Cintra, Grinover and Dinamarco (2003)). 

– When there are more than three authors, only the first shall be cited, sequentially adding the latin expression “et al” (e.g. Barcellos et al. (1997).

– In the list of references, each book or article referenced ought to be separated by 1 (one) single space. The list of documents researched shall be presented in alphabetic order, unnumbered (not numbered), following the surname of the main author, the title of the journal (for articles) or the title of the book (for book chapters) highlighted in bold, as described in the item “References”.

• The non-bibliographical notes shall be placed as footnotes, in font size 10, in arabic algorisms that must figure immediately after the segment of text related to the note.

Important remark: abbreviations should be avoided, as it impairs the reading flow. When the use of abbreviations is deemed necessary, they shall be introduced in brackets, immediately after the first use of the full term (e.g. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)). After mentioning the first full term, abbreviations shall be used exclusively. All the abbreviations in tables or illustrations shall be identified in their respective explanatory captions.

4.2.3. References (NBR 6023 – Information and Documentation – References – Elaboration/ ago. 2002) shall contain all data necessary for the identification of works, organized in alphabetic order. To distinguish between works of a same author, the article must be organized in chronological order, according to the year of publication. If in the same year there was more than one body of work from the same author(s), a letter must be added to the year (e.g. 1999a; 1999b).

 References of consulted documents: the references lists only the texts cited in the article.

5. Copyright:

5.1. Articles published in SCIENTIA IURIS: 

Authors who publish in this journal agree to our Copyright Statement.  

5.2. Partial reproduction of other publications:

Submitted articles that contain parts of the text extracted from other publications must comply with the limits specified by the journal in order to guarantee the originality of the article. We recommend avoiding the reproduction of tables and illustrations extracted from other publications. The article that contains a reproduction of one or more tables and / or illustrations of other publications will only be sent for analysis if it is accompanied by a written permission of the copyright holder of the original work. The permission must be addressed to the author of the submitted work. Under no circumstances, will SCIENTIA IURIS and the authors of the works published in this journal waiver rights thus obtained.

6. Articles with research that contain specific data on people and/or results of experiences with human beings must be accompanied by an authorizing opinion, issued by a Research Ethics Committee (CEP). The Research Ethics Committees (CEP) are interdisciplinary and independent collegiate bodies, with "public roles", of a consultative, deliberative and educational nature, created to defend the interests of the research subjects in their integrity and dignity and to contribute to the development of the research within ethical standards (National Research Ethics Commission - CONEP).

7. Articles not accepted for publication will be returned to the authors, if requested.

8. We suggest reading the book "PEREIRA, Maurício Gomes. Scientific articles: how to write, publish and evaluate. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2014 ".

9For guidance on the preparation and formatting of the article, go to the template that SCIENTIA IURIS made available.

10. The author must inform if he used generative AI to write this manuscript. Generative AI is not an author. These tools should only be used to improve language and readability, with caution. If you used generative AI or AI-assisted technology, please include the AI Use Statement as a supplementary document. This statement will be published in PDF.



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The names and addresses given in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

In relation to data eventually submitted to the registration of users in any condition (authors, readers, reviewers, editors), it guarantees its privacy and its exclusively academic use, in accordance with Art. 4, item II, item "b", of the General Data Protection Law.

In published articles, interviews or reviews, the authors' personal data will be included, namely: full name, affiliation and last academic training, e-mail address and ORCID.