questions to the current paradigm for scientific production evaluation
Altmetrics, Paradigm, Evaluation, Scientific productionAbstract
Introduction: Altmetrics is a subarea of Information Science, in which alternative metrics are used to complement the evaluation of scientific production. It is currently based almost exclusively on indicators created from the number of citations received by an article.
Objective: To examine the changes that altmetrics can bring to the current paradigm of the metric studies.
Methodology: Bibliographical review focused on the concepts of scientific paradigm proposed by Thomas Kuhn.
Results: Citation analysis is considered as the predominant procedure for the current evaluation of scientific production. Therefore, it is interpreted as part of the current paradigm. The main criticism to this methodology are summarised. The paper discusses whether the emergence of altmetrics can be a response to these anomalies and could represent the emergence of a new paradigm.
Conclusions: Altmetrics is going through a pre-paradigmatic period and, therefore, it is still not possible to state whether the alternative metrics will be incorporated into the current paradigm or a new paradigm will be formed.
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