Comprehensions on the dispositive: from information towards profanation




Dispositive, Document, Scholarly Communication, Scientific Information


Introduction: The knowledge communication can be seen in epistemological and institutional conditions of informational cycle mediation, acting as an intervener in the social construction of knowledge, controlled by explicit or implicit rules that awaken or bar the flow of knowledge. Objective: Explore and reflect on dispositive based on the idea that truth is based on actions and practices contextually specific, aiming to discuss and contribute to a systematization of “document” and “information”, understanding and strategizing about power relations. Methodology: Readings and interpretations on dispositive, as presented by Michel Foucault and later interpreted and worked by other authors, undertaking its construction in the conceptual body of information and of document for scientific knowledge access. Results and Conclusions: Still partial, the results point in the direction that dispositives that use the information and the document operate in the control and in the strategies of regulation of the power in the communication of the scientific information. Knowing that scientific knowledge is a construction of a truth, being validated within a community, needing the look on dispositives that desecration the sacred.


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Author Biography

Jackson da Silva Medeiros, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutor/Comunicação e Informação/UFRGS. Professor/Departamento de Ciências da Informação/UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, J. da S. (2017). Comprehensions on the dispositive: from information towards profanation. Informação & Informação, 22(3), 158–177.


