International journals for the area of Information Science
other vision beyond the Qualis/Capes system
International scientific journals, Qualis/Capes listing, Web of ScienceAbstract
Introduction: This study verified the presence of the journals titles in the Qualis/Capes list representing internationally the area of Information Science, contrasted with the journals present in Web of Science database and other informational sources (LISA, Library Literature & Information, and Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory).
Objective: The objective of this study is to analyse the coherence of the list of publishers and magazines international in the area of Library and Information Science in the Qualis/Capes.
Methodology: Methodological procedures were an exploratory, descriptive and quantitative research of the productivity from national post-graduate programs in Information Science and Librarianship during the period 1995/2004, whose data obtained were systematized, tabulated and mapped relationships. Information from previous versions of the Qualis/Capes list were also worked in, checking the progress and possible inadequacies in the presence of certain journals and not others.
Results: The main results found show that few journals in Qualis/Capes list are part of Web of Science (global reference in scientific journals), indicating the possibility of this list be influenced by other areas of the Applied Social Sciences I, disconsidering the Information Science, since there is a very limited scope for this area in international visibility, in this model.
Conclusion: The results show that the Information Science area is the most prosperous in scientific studies within the areas of Applied Social Sciences I and their low qualification is unjust, since Qualis/Capes listing of this area has several interference from the others areas.
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