abordagens de representação do conhecimento como inovação para a comunicação científica
Nanopublicação, Representação do Conhecimento, Comunicação Científica, Tecnologias SemânticasAbstract
Introduction: the vertiginous dynamics of generating research products, driven by advanced technological and representational bases, such as models and simulations, which characterize eScience, produces a large volume of academic communications. Problem: this informational entropy challenges the ability of humans and computational systems to find, access, curate, analyze, and integrate these dispersed and redundant resources and assign quality, context, and provenance in order to aggregate them to the knowledge corpus of a domain, especially through interpretation by computational stakeholders. Objective: this study aims to present the notion of nanopublication, a construct presented by the Concept Web Alliance, whose concept is based on the division of knowledge into statements with provenance and context, becoming a minimum publishable and citable unit, structured in RDF and other semantic technologies that allow interpretation by humans and actionability by machines. Methodology: the study is exploratory and bibliographic in nature and is based on the authors and institutions that support the proposal. Conclusion: The analysis carried out allows us to conclude that the creation of nanopublication servers and networks in conjunction with more recent concepts, such as FDO and IFDS, has the potential to change the scenario of scientific communication, constituting less a rupture of the classic model and more a technical and conceptual expansion necessary for the dynamics of eScience. Conclusion: It is concluded that the adoption of nanopublications and concepts such as FDO and IFDS offers an essential evolution for scientific communication in eScience, promoting a more efficient and interoperable structure between humans and machines
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Funding data
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers 312627/2023-8 -
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Grant numbers E26/201.380/2022(272787) -
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers 313188/2023-88