Objetos digitais FAIR
uma perspectiva ecológica de disseminação
interacionismo simbólicoAbstract
Objective: To explore the theoretical contributions of Boundary Objects Theory and symbolic interactionism applicable to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) digital objects from an ecological perspective, which contemplates different points of view in the dissemination of these objects, so that they can be interpreted and used by different communities, with different epistemologies. Methodology: Exploratory analysis with a qualitative approach, using bibliographic research. As an approach for bibliographic research, Bardin's content analysis was adopted. Results: It proposes a set of recommendations for the dissemination of FAIR digital objects that contemplate multiple points of view, in line with the ecological perspective of the Theory of Boundary Objects and symbolic interactionism. Conclusions: The need for a more conscious and inclusive dissemination of objects is emphasized, considering the diversity of interpretations and contexts of use of digital objects.
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