Analysis of adherence to FAIR principles in open data from the brazilian federal government with FairDataBR
FAIR Principles, Open Data, FairDataBR Tool, Brazilian Open Data PortalAbstract
Objective: This article aims to analyze adherence to the FAIR principles through the use of the FairDataBR tool in the context of the Federal Government's open data.
Methodology: It has a qualitative characteristic while seeking to investigate problems and indicate solutions for the Brazilian Open Data Portal through the FairDataBR tool. It uses as sources of information the Capes Periodicals Portal, the Information Science Database (Brapci) and Google Scholar for bibliographic and theoretical support. Searches in these environments for terms related to the FAIR principles, open data, digital objects and the data life cycle, without setting an exact period for retrieving the materials. The FairDataBR tool is used to verify the FAIR adherence of the open data of the aforementioned portal.
Results: According to the analysis, the FairDataBR tool generates an average of 7.95 for adherence to FAIR, with greater adherence to the reusable principle (8.80) and the lowest for the findable principle (7.00). For the accessible and interoperable principles, the tool generates scores of 7.50 and 8.50, respectively.
Conclusions: the FairDataBR tool, used to analyze the adaptability of the Brazilian Open Data Portal of the Federal Government to the FAIR principles, provides a structured and systematic evaluation of the metadata and data available. It attributes FairDataBR as an ally in promoting transparency and good practices in the sharing of public data, contributing to the strengthening of data governance in Brazil and encouraging the implementation of the FAIR principles in different domains.
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