Artificial intelligence patents in Brazil
characterization of a technological domain
Patentometrics, Domain Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, INPIAbstract
Objective: The research aims to characterize the technological domain formed by Artificial Intelligence patents in Brazil, filed at the National Institute of Industrial Property, by both residents and non-residents. It identifies the filing institutions, inventors, classification areas, and the registration date of the filings. The study points out the application of Artificial Intelligence in the main established classification areas, the collaboration between filers and inventors, as well as the social factors that enhance their production, related to the development of technologies, infrastructure, and resources.
Methodology: This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, applying patentometric analysis combined with historical and epistemological studies to the patents retrieved from the National Institute of Industrial Property.
Results: Artificial Intelligence patents in Brazil have been showing growth since 2016. The techniques used in the inventions pertain to modern Artificial Intelligence and are mainly concentrated in the field of Physics. The filers are primarily private companies. Collaboration is present but limited, with an emphasis on national collaboration, and Brazil is the country with the highest number of filings.
Conclusions: Brazilian residents consider it important to protect inventions in Brazil, as do the USA and various European countries. The established methodological procedures efficiently characterized the patent filings and the patents themselves, as well as, in general, how patenting occurs in Brazil. Information Science, through Metric Studies of Information, combined with Domain Analysis, can, through this approach, contribute to the understanding and dissemination of technological information and technological fields.
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