Coverage of data sources and correlations between altmetric indicators and citations for brazilian journal portals
comparison of different knowledge areas
Scientific Communication, Bibliometric studies, Altmetric studies, Scientific productionAbstract
Objective: to contribute to the analysis of altmetric and citation data sources coverage and the correlations between altmetric and bibliometric indicators.
Methodology: it was analyzed indicators for 51,200 articles from four journal portals, divided into five areas of knowledge.
Results: the accesses to the abstract and the Mendeley readers had the greatest altmetric coverage, although they show great differences between areas. The citation data source with the greatest coverage was Crossref, ranging from 7.3%to 43.8%, depending of the area. The correlations between altmetric indicators and citations also presents variations between the areas (from weak to moderate). Life Sciences showed the strongest correlations, with emphasis on the correlations between Mendeley readers and citations, ranging from 0.432 to 0.491.
Conclusions: we conclude that Mendeley (altmetric data) and Crossref (citation data), can be considered alternative and/or complementary data sources for the evaluation of Brazilian science in all areas of knowledge, although there are differences between them. Finally, the data suggest the importance of open access scientific journals and university journal portals for the dissemination of science in the country.
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