Quality indicators for assessing the semantic potential of university knowledge portals
Portais do conhecimento de universidades, Portais semânticos, Indicadores de potencial semântico, Recuperação da informaçãoAbstract
Objective: This study aimed to propose qualitative indicators for the evaluation of the semantic potential of university knowledge portals.
Methodology: The research included a bibliometric survey, systematic, content analysis, and field research with the sending of a questionnaire to IT coordinators of the 69 Brazilian federal universities, in order to identify the technologies and human resources available on the portal of each institution. Data processing was carried out through descriptive statistical analysis and the indicators were validated by a panel of experts.
Results: The mapping of the network of semantic university portals showed human and non-human actors and their interrelationships marked by strong and weak ties. A set of 18 qualitative indicators built from semantic and sociotechnical precepts was proposed.
Conclusions: The set of indicators can manage and provide a semantic research that facilitates access to relevant information, in addition to favoring interoperability and communication and collaboration actions, contributing to the evolution of university knowledge portals as a sociotechnical application.
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