The integrated use of the thesaurus and ontology in search mechanisms for knowledge organization
Knowledge organization, Knowledge representation, Concept, Knowledge organization systems, Ontology, ThesaurusAbstract
Objective: to describe how the structural elements of the thesaurus and ontology can act together in the organization of knowledge in search engines as knowledge organization systems.
Methodology: an exploratory research was developed based on a bibliographic review in the field of Information Science to analyze how thesaurus and ontology work in the organization of knowledge as knowledge organization systems for further discussion of their interaction in the representation of knowledge in search engines.
Results: through the surveys carried out, actions linked to the interaction of the thesaurus and ontology in the representation of the knowledge in search engines for the purpose of disambiguation, refinement of conceptual relationships and reuse of structures.
Conclusions: the interaction between the thesaurus and ontology enables the qualification of the knowledge organization, since the thesaurus adds previous terminological work. o the ontology structure with the use of descriptor terms and ontology enables the refinement of conceptual relationships in the thesaurus, bringing effectiveness to the representation of knowledge.
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