Scientific production on innovation indicators in universities and their theoretical contributions: a systematic review in the scopus database
Innovation indicators , Innovation metrics , University innovation , Bibliometric study , Systematic literature reviewAbstract
Objective: to map the panorama of recent international scientific production on innovation metrics, especially in the context of universities.
Methodology: the research, of exploratory-descriptive purpose, was carried out from a Systematic Review of Literature, having the Scopus database as source. After that, mixed techniques (qualiquantitative approach) were applied to build a bibliometric map and qualitative analysis of a sample of 14 articles.
Results: the first evidence observed is the progressive increase in studies published on the subject in the last 20 years, with a stronger acceleration from 2018 on. It was possible to observe incipient proposals for metrics that contemplate different dimensions of innovation perceived in the university environment, according to the authors' view.
Conclusions: the absence of clear definitions and the multiple strands of innovation demonstrate the importance of monitoring and evaluating the different aspects of this phenomenon, especially in the academic context. It is observed that the most common indicators are mainly related to traditional metrics seeking to assess the degree of R&D and the university-industry relationship, leaving issues such as licensing and patents in the background in the face of a complex and dynamic scenario and research of universities.
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