Co-word analysis in brazilian hiv/aids research indexed on the web of science in the 1993-2020 period
HIV/AIDS, Scientific production, Bibliometric, Co-word analysisAbstract
Objective: The research presents an exploratory-descriptive study on the Brazilian scientific production on HIV/AIDS indexed in the Web of Science in the period 1993- 2020. The study analyzes, based on bibliometric indicators of co-word analysis, a perception aligned with the authorial expression of Brazilian research on HIV/AIDS, based on information obtained in the Descriptor (DE) metadata field of the 2895 retrieved articles.
Methodology: The research sought to expand the knowledge of the dimensions related to the themes of research on HIV/AIDS, but it was also concerned with demonstrating the potential of the procedures of the co-word analysis. The results are still supported by indicators of scientific activity about this production over the years. Frequency measurements; of intensity, through the identification of clusters; and similarity, based on Salton's Cosine in seven temporal groups: 1993-1997, 1998- 2001, 2002-2005, 2006-2009, 2010-2013, 2014-2017 and 2018-2020 were obtained.
Results: Despite maintaining exponential growth until 2011, Brazilian research on HIV/AIDS shows signs of negative growth in the last groups. The co-word analysis identified the keywords of the basic core of the field of HIV/AIDS in each period from the definition of a minimum occurrence in the groups. Keyword mainstream is defined by the intensity and similarity of associated word pairs over time.
Conclusions: The study concludes that the keywords used by authors can demonstrate aspects of the evolution of a research area, as observed in Brazilian research on HIV/AIDS from the 1993-2020 period.
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