Archival representation: recent perspectives
Representation, Archival Science, Knowledge OrganizationAbstract
Introduction: Representation processes are part of the daily life of archives, libraries and museums. In this sense, it is sought in the universe of archives to appropriate the discussions related to the representation and knowledge organization and informationObjectives: This article discusses the path of the concept of representation first in the context of the organization then in the context of archival science with the intention of systematizing the various facets of the concept of representation and bringing them closer to archival processes.
Methodology: The work was developed analyzing the literature of both areas around the concept of representation.
Results: As it is a theoretical study that discusses and systematizes the literature of the area, it is clear the presence of a concept of representation in archival science although configured in a reality different from the idea present in the Knowledge Organization.
Conclusions: In the sense of seeking to work with the convergences between these fields and to present relationship possibilities, improving the construction of representation instruments in the context of the archives today.
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